Build Mesa. The usual procedure to build. For options something like meson setup -Dgallium-drivers=asahi -Dvulkan-drivers= We learned the hard way that disabling gles1 also disables conformance. This may be a CTS bug, but distros should be shipping gles1 support anyhow. Build the conformance tests. This can take quite a bit of time (and RAM) even on apple silicon, consider doing it on your fastest machine. Do so exactly as documented here. Do not reuse your existing clone/build. $ git clone -b opengl-es-cts- $ cd VK-GL-CTS $ python3 external/ $ cd .. $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake ../VK-GL-CTS/ -DDEQP_TARGET=x11_egl -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release $ ninja Copy the resulting build/ directory to each system you're running the CTS on. On each system: $ cd build/external/openglcts/modules/ $ ./cts-runner --type=es31 This will take a LONG time but should finally declare the implementation conformant. If so, run $ cd VK-GL-CTS $ git status > ../git-status.txt $ git log --first-parent opengl-es-cts-^..HEAD > ../git-log.txt $ cd .. $ zip build/external/openglcts/modules/*.qpa build/external/openglcts/modules/cts-run-summary.xml git-status.txt git-log.txt Run exactly as written here. Do not e.g. copy-paste the git log from stdout. That will fail conformance. We also learned this one the hard way. Do not > into the same directory as the CTS. This will probably also fail conformance. Send me the resulting (it will be large) along with which system this ran against and I'll take care of the rest. If this fails, let me know and I'll advise how to proceed. Source: