Anything by Alyssa Rosenzweig 98 likes 8 comments rando Amazing! .... WTF she's younger than my daughter. What am I doing wrong? throwaway1827 Um, actually, she's just rich. I could do this if I had her privilege. Forget her age. ArmchairGFX OpenGL? She should use Vulkan and use Zink for legacy apps, which she doesn't know about despite being maintained by her employer. PM_ME_LINUX Superhero. Greybeard A waste of time, helping our enemies. She should focus on dwm/uClibc Gentoo GNU/Linux for my Thinkpad X200. NotCanadian Anybody could do that. Alisa is a diversity hire. The West loves [slurs]. Anon Suck it up for Linux drivers. Anon2 Seems like a nice Jewish boy. Nobody Neat! Now I'm closing the tab and going outside. Toodles.